Sensitivity Testing

Sensitivity Testing

Intolerances within your Dog's immune system may stem from various sensitivities. The discomfort may have a root cause based on food, environment, and other factors. At Serenity Paws, we offer a painless sensitivity testing option that will provide a starting point as to which dietary and environmental adjustments are needed for your Dog to live in a way that is free from the discomfort they have been experiencing. The laboratory uses bio-resonance technology to obtain results that may give insights regarding the severity of sensitivity your Dog potentially has to hundreds of items causing discomfort within their diet and lifestyle. Please allow 10 to 14 days after the kit is received at the lab to get results.

Sensitivity Tests

Some items are available for PREORDER Only. Let us know about your needs.

Pet Food Sensitivity Test
275+ commercial pet food items

Pet Raw Food Sensitivity Test
315+ raw pet food ingredients

Pet Environmental Sensitivity Test
105 items that are common both inside and outside your home

Pet Health Test
275+ commercial pet food items
105 environmental items
40 nutritional items ~ vitamins & minerals to test for imbalances
40 items ~ metals & minerals ~ indicates your pet's ability to process and eliminate metals & minerals

Pet Health PLUS Test
275+ commercial pet food items
315+ raw pet food ingredients
105 environmental items
40 nutritional items ~ vitamins & minerals to test for imbalances
40 items ~ metals & minerals ~ indicates your pet's ability to process and eliminate metals & minerals

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results